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Zabrinutost igrača

Igračeva Zabrinutost je stanje morala koji se vrti oko zabrinutosti koju igrač može razviti. Ako ta zabrinutost  nije riješena igrač će na kraju zahtijevati transfer i napustiti vaš klub. Svaki igrač može podnjeti zahtjev za transfer i na taj način javno navesti svoju želju za prelazak, te poticati druge klubove da pošalju ponudu za njega.

There are 4 areas of concern which a player could develop and these are in relation to being loaned out, a wage dispute, lack of opportunity at the club and a lack of games. Any concerns which a player has will be displayed within your Squad/Tactics (with Unh as their Player Field Description) and also within their Player Profile. When a player develops a concern you will also receive a new Club Message notifying you of this.